Greater Seattle Vending is also a full service Gourmet coffee solution, meaning there is nothing for your business or employees to maintain or do. Our on-site service includes refilling the machine with all consumable products, cleaning and sanitizing the equipment, performing preventative maintenance, and in the event of a malfunction, repairing or replacing the machine promptly. We are dedicated to superior service and satisfaction in every way.
Saves You Money
Traditional pour over coffee systems (the old coffee pot), result in stale and burnt coffee being poured down the drain by the pot full. We have all done it, but rarely added up the cost of all that discarded coffee. Our system produces each cup on demand, fresh from the bean with no waste whatsoever.
No More Theft
Although the latest trend of pod or K-Cup® based systems produce fresh brewed regular coffee at the push of a button, they lack cost control. Businesses report wide spread theft of the pods or K-Cups® by employees and customers alike, resulting in dramatically increased costs. Our system produces fresh brewed regular coffee and Gourmet beverages, without the coffee supplies being subject to theft.
No More Lost Employee Time
The key to any businesses’ profitability is the productivity of its employees. Today’s workforce wants Gourmet quality coffee. If not available in the workplace, they will leave the place of business to get it. Our system provides your staff with the Gourmet beverages they want right in your own workplace, saving many hours of employee productivity every week.